Thirty sleuths were recently challenged to solve a WhoDunnit at a school staff murder mystery! These colleagues at a nursery interrogated the suspects up close and personal to find out who was lying – and who was lying dead! This video shows them trawling through the shoal of red-herrings in the incident room which was set up in their school hall! To see many more photos from this event click here. Any sleuths on this event may scroll to the bottom of this page and leave us a comment!
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All our murder mystery events include professional actors who play the suspects so you are not required to role play. However the event is thoroughly interactive as you’ll see from the above video. Guests are encouraged to follow, eavesdrop upon, and interrogate the suspects however defensive or evasive they are! At the conclusion of the event guests are asked to gather into ‘juries’, attempt to reach a verdict and any brave team members wishing to do so may sum up their case before all is revealed.
A selection of video testimonials can be found here.